Sounds of the Sacred – Free Interfaith Concert

Aucklanders  are in for a memorable and inspiring evening on Monday, May 28th when six local performing groups representing various spiritual traditions are coming together to offer a free concert of peaceful, meditative music. Auckland Inter-Faith Council has collaborated with Sri Chinmoy’s local organiser Jogyata Dallas and others to arrange this concert, which is intended to offer an experience of inner peace through music.

The performers are: local Mt Eden duo Monk Party; an instrumental/vocal women’s group from the Sri Chinmoy Centre; choirs from St Marks and Latter Day Saints church groups; Sikh Youth performers; the Sathya Sai organization; and musicians from the Family Federation for World Peace. The evening highlights both the diversity of Auckland’s cultures and their spirit of co-operation.

Join us to experience ‘Sounds of the Sacred’ in the Hillsborough Room in Three Kings’ Fickling Centre, 546 Mt Albert Road at 7:30pm. Light refreshments will follow. Admission is entirely free and tickets are not required.