Speakers: We endeavour to connect individuals and faith groups with speakers as needed.
Email us for more information.
The Religious Diversity Centre Aotearoa New Zealand is a national centre of educational research excellence dedicated to fostering appreciation and understanding of religious diversity among all New Zealanders.
Free Resources are also available from Scarboro Missions, Canada:
Principles and guidelines for interfaith dialogue: This compendium of concise and handy resources provides insight into the interfaith movement and its treasure chest of wisdom and learning opportunities. This collection explores the goals, types and stages of dialogue and touches on issues such as interfaith etiquette, listening, peace-building, hospitality, respectful presence and dialogue-versus-debate. These principles and guidelines are useful for those who are new to interfaith as well as for veterans of interfaith work. Link: http://www.scarboromissions.ca/interfaith-dialogue/principles-and-guidelines-for-interfaith-dialogue.
Interfaith curriculum and educational resources: Includes online courses, toolkits, best practices, do-it-yourself workshops, activities, multifaith prayer services, how-to-manuals, guidelines, games, starter kits, meditations, slideshows, etc. Link: https://www.scarboromissions.ca/interfaith-dialogue/curriculum-resources
Golden Rule education resources: This comprehensive listing features interactive resources, meditation exercises, videos, multilingual posters, art activities, do-it-yourself workshops, slide programs, discussion questions, Golden Rule websites, books, toolkits, best practices, and school & youth group curricula. Link: https://www.scarboromissions.ca/golden-rule/educational-resources
Let’s Talk – Interfaith handbook from the UK – full of useful resources and provides a bird’s eye view of interfaith activity in the United Kingdom. Themes touched on include why dialogue?, dialogue practicalities, dialogue on difficult issues, dialogue over food, limits to dialogue and bi-lateral, tri-lateral & multi-lateral dialogue. Here is the link; https://www.interfaith.org.uk/uploads/LetsTalk2017web.pdf